Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2025 | Versatile High-Throughput Platform for Focused Ultrasound In Vitro Application Tretbar, Steffen; Fournelle, Marc; Degel, Christian; Becker, Franz Josef; Weber, Peter-Karl; Therre-Mohr, Sarah Michaela; Bost, Wolfgang; Landgraf, Lisa; Melzer, Andreas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2025 | Implementierung und Evaluation einer Lösung zur automatisierten Dokumentation des Arzt-Patienten-Dialoges (ADAPI) in der Ophthalmologie am Beispiel der IVOM-Routine Rudolph, Clemens N.; Wakili, Philip; Rickmann, Annekatrin; Januschowski, Kai; McCrae, Patrick; Foth, Kilian; Petris, Marco; Schilk, Annika; Kiefer, Stephan; Rohm, Kerstin; Ahamed, Suhail; Weiler, Gabriele; Stennes, Matthias; Trouvain, André; Szurman, Peter; Boden, Karl T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2024 | 3D direct laser writing of capacitive ultrasonic transceivers Waller, Erik Hagen; Jakob, Anette; Freymann, Georg von; Tiefensee, Frank |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2024 | Contraction assessment of abdominal muscles using automated segmentation designed for wearable ultrasound applications Strohm, Hannah; Rothlübbers, Sven; Perotti, Luis; Stamm, Oskar; Fournelle, Marc; Jenne, Jürgen; Guenther, Matthias |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2024 | Live Demonstration: A Wearable Eight-Channel A-Mode Ultrasound System for Hand Gesture Recognition and Interactive Gaming Zhang, Yaohua; Grandi Sgambato, Bruno; Zhang, Jiaxing; Jakob, Anette; Fournelle, Marc; Rahal, Mohamad; Tang, Meng-Xing; Farina, Dario; Jiang, Dai; Demosthenous, Andreas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2024 | Assessment of focused ultrasound stimulation to induce peripheral nerve activity and potential damage in vivo Rodríguez-Meana, Bruno; Santos-Nunez, Eva; Trujillo Vazquez, Sònia; Jakob, Anette; Udina, Esther; Fournelle, Marc; Navarro, Xavier |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2024 | Integration of sonolysis and electrochemical oxidation for efficient destruction of per and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) Schmitt, Daniel; Abusallout, Ibrahim; Meiche, Jürgen; Tretbar, Steffen; Becker, Michael |
Meeting Abstract |
2023 | Real-time transcranial phase aberration correction using a ray tracing method Bost, Wolfgang; Hewener, Holger; Schmitt, Daniel; Fournelle, Marc; Becker, Franz Josef; Tretbar, Steffen |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2023 | Compact holographic sound fields enable rapid one-step assembly of matter in 3D Melde, Kai; Kremer, Heiner; Shi, Minghui; Seneca, Senne; Frey, Christoph; Platzman, Ilia; Degel, Christian; Schmitt, Daniel; Schölkopf, Bernhard; Fischer, Peer |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | A porcine model of postoperative hemi-diaphragmatic paresis to evaluate a unilateral diaphragmatic pacemaker Kratz, Tobias; Ruff, Roman; Bernhardt, Marit; Katzer, David; Herberg, Ulrike; Asfour, Boulos; Breuer, Johannes; Oetzmann Von Sochaczewski, Christina; Bierbach, Benjamin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Digital Twins Weber, Peter-Karl |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2022 | Directed Acoustic Assembly in 3D Melde, Kai; Shi, Minghui; Kremer, Heiner; Seneca, Senne; Frey, Christoph; Platzman, Ilia; Degel, Christian; Schmitt, Daniel; Schölkopf, Bernhard; Fischer, Peer |
Paper |
2022 | Classification of Distal Growth Plate Ossification States of the Radius Bone Using a Dedicated Ultrasound Device and Machine Learning Techniques for Bone Age Assessments Brausch, Lukas; Dirksen, Ruth; Risser, Christoph; Schwab, Martin; Stolz, Carole; Tretbar, Steffen; Rohrer, Tilman; Hewener, Holger |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Classifying Muscle States with One-Dimensional Radio-Frequency Signals from Single Element Ultrasound Transducers Brausch, Lukas; Hewener, Holger; Lukowicz, Paul |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Mobile Ultrasound System for Research Beyond Classical Imaging Hewener, Holger; Noll, Matthias; Wesarg, Stefan; Tretbar, Steffen |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | A novel matrix-array-based MR-conditional ultrasound system for local hyperthermia of small animals Tretbar, S.H.; Fournelle, M.; Speicher, D.; Becker, F.; Anastasiadis, P.; Landgraf, L.; Roy, U.; Melzer, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Encapsulation of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUTs) for the Acoustic Communication between Medical Implants Oevermann, Jorge; Weber, Peter; Tretbar, Steffen |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Real-Time Volumetric Ultrasound Research Platform with 1024 Parallel Transmit and Receive Channels Risser, C.; Hewener, H.; Fournelle, M.; Fonfara, H.; Barry-Hummel, S.; Weber, S.; Speicher, D.; Tretbar, S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Modeling the Nonlinear Properties of Ferroelectric Materials in Ceramic Capacitors for the Implementation of Sensor Functionalities in Implantable Electronics Olsommer, Yves; Ihmig, Frank; Müller, Carsten |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | A new system for fast ultrasound-tomography at marble sculptures Tiefensee, Frank; Degel, Christian; Weber, Peter-Karl; Bost, Wolfgang; Moses, Manfred; Schmieger, Marc |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | US/TOF-PET endorectal probe compatible with MR, for diagnosis and staging of the prostate cancer Garibaldi, F.; Bettinardi, V.; Brembilla, G.; Briganti, A.; Cisbani, E.; Clinthorne, N.; Cobelli, F. de; Taille, C. de la; Fournelle, M.; Gianolli, L.; Majewski, S.; Montorsi, F.; Nuyts, J.; Picchio, M.; Ziemons, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2020 | Innovative damage and material analysis in 3D by integrating different technologies Weber, Peter-Karl |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Monitoring System for Laboratory Mice Transportation González-Sánchez, C.; Fraile, J.-C.; Pérez-Turiel, J.; Damm, E.; Schneider, J.G.; Schmitt, D.; Ihmig, F.R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2019 | Wave front analysis for enhanced time-domain beamforming of point-like targets in optoacoustic imaging using a linear array Fournelle, Marc; Bost, Wolfgang |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2018 | Spatially Resolved MR-Compatible Doppler Ultrasound Crowe, L.A.; Manasseh, G.; Chmielewski, A.; Hachulla, A.; Speicher, D.; Greiser, A.; Müller, H.; Perrot, T. de; Vallee, J.; Salomir, R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | UltraLight: An ultrafast imaging platform based on a digital 64-channel ultrasound probe Hager, Pascal Alexander; Speicher, Daniel; Degel, Christian; Benini, Luca |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Dissimilar trend of nonlinearity in ultrasound transducers and systems at resonance and non-resonance frequencies Ghasemi, N.; Zare, F.; Davari, P.; Vilathgamuwa, M.; Ghosh, A.; Langton, C.; Weber, P. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2017 | Ultrasonic phased array technology for the non-destructive testing of marble sculptures Tiefensee, F.; Weber, P.; Kunz, S.; Pamplona, M.; Simon, S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 | Evaluation of a high-resolution real-time capable 3D sonar camera for deep sea operation Ehrhardt, M.; Becker, F.J.; Speicher, D.; Fonfara, H.; Hewener, H.; Fournelle, M.; Degel, C.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 | High channel count ultrasound beamformer system with external multiplexer support for ultrafast 3D/4D ultrasound Risser, C.; Welsch, H.J.; Fonfara, H.; Hewener, H.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 | Calibrated Linear Array-Driven Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Tomography Oeri, M.; Bost, W.; Tretbar, S.; Fournelle, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 | Mobile units supporting multicentric studies and standardized collection of human specimen samples Schmitt, D.; Lermen, D.; Bartel-Steinbach, Martina; Briesen, H. von; Zimmermann, H. |
Poster |
2016 | Ultraschall | Bericht Report |
2015 | Hormone-mediated growth dynamics of the barley pericarp as revealed by magnetic resonance imaging and transcript profiling Pielot, R.; Kohl, S.; Manz, B.; Twan, R.; Weier, D.; Tarkowska, D.; Rolcik, J.; Strnad, M.; Volke, F.; Weber, H.; Weschke, W. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2015 | Portable 3D/4D Ultrasound Diagnostic Imaging System (PUDIS) Weber, P.; Konstantinos, K.; Stegiopoulos, s.; Sakas, G.; Wesarg, S.; Speicher, D.; Freiber, A.; Noll, M. |
Bericht Report |
2015 | Mobile ultrasound plane wave beamforming on iPhone or iPad using metal-based GPU processing Hewener, H.; Tretbar, S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2015 | MRI compatible ultrasound for transducers for simultaneous acquisition of coregistered ultrasound to MRI data Speicher, D.; Bartscherer, T.; Becker, F.; Jenne, J.-W.; Mrosk, K.; Degel, C.; Günther, M.; Tretbar, S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2015 | Combined real-time ultrasound plane wave compounding and linear array optoacoustics Fournelle, M.; Bost, W.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2015 | Concept for a high-resolution real-time capable 3D sonar camera for deep sea operation Ehrhardt, M.; Becker, F.J.; Motzki, F.; Speicher, D.; Degel, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2015 | Analytical calibration of linear transducer arrays for photoacoustic tomography Öri, M.; Bost, W.; Fournelle, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2015 | Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Optoakustik Fournelle, M. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2015 | Radial-looking endoscopic probe based on annular-ring transducer arrangement for optoacoustic and ultrasound imaging Degel, C.; Somogy, G.; Becker, F.J.; Bost, W.; Fournelle, M.; Tretbar, S.; Speicher, D. |
Vortrag Presentation |
2014 | Optoacoustic imaging of subcutaneous microvasculature with a class one laser Bost, W.; Lemor, R.; Fournelle, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2014 | Ultraschallbildgebung - Neue Techniken für die Forschung und den klinischen Einsatz Fournelle, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2014 | 3D sonar system based on mills cross antenna configuration Degel, C.; Fonfara, H.; Welsch, H.J.; Becker, F.J.; Hewener, H.; Fournelle, M.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2013 | Wireless surface acoustic wave pressure and temperature sensor with unique identification based on LiNbO3 Binder, A.; Bruckner, G.; Schobernig, N.; Schmitt, D. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2013 | Cell specific ultrasound effects are dose and frequency dependent Schuster, A.; Schwab, T.; Bischof, M.; Klotz, M.; Lemor, R.; Degel, C.; Schäfer, K.-H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2013 | Comparison and evaluation of classical and modern beamforming Motzki, F.; Hewener, H.; Tretbar, S.H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2013 | Magnetische Resonanz- und Nah-Infrarot- Sensorsysteme zur Online-Messung der Feuchte bei Erntegütern Kronsbein, C.-F.; Volke, F.; Schmitt, D.; Benecke, M.; Schniederbruns, B.; Berghaus, A.; Martinez, J.; Hufendiek, H.; Ruckelshausen, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Optimized MBES antenna and system for high resolution sonar imaging and AUV applications Degel, C.; Becker, F.J.; Fonfara, H.; Welsch, H.J.; Hewener, H.; Fournelle, M.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Fluorescence response of human HER2+ cancer- and MCF-12F normal cells to 200 MHz ultrasound microbeam stimulation: A preliminary study of membrane permeability variation Hwang, J.Y.; Lee, J.; Lee, C.; Jakob, A.; Lemor, R.; Medina-Kauwe, L.K.; Kirk Shung, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Optoakustische Bildgebung - Grundlagen, Technik und Anwendung in der Biomedizinischen Forschung Fournelle, M.; Bost, W.; Tretbar, S.H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Computing architecture for the portable four-dimensional ultrasound diagnostic imaging system Shen, Yi-Ting; Freibert, A.; Stergiopoulos, S.; Plataniotis, K. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Process optimization and biocompatibility of cell carriers suitable for automated magnetic manipulation Krejci, I.; Piana, C.; Howitz, S.; Wegener, T.; Fiedler, S.; Zwanzig, M.; Schmitt, D.; Daum, N.; Meier, K.; Lehr, C.M.; Batista, U.; Zemljic, S.; Messerschmidt, J.; Franzke, J.; Wirth, M.; Gabor, F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Comparison of the optoacoustic signal generation efficiency of different nanoparticular contrast agents Bost, W.; Lemor, R.; Fournelle, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Antitumor necrosis factor- antibody-coupled gold nanorods as nanoprobes for molecular optoacoustic imaging in arthritis Fournelle, M.; Bost, W.; Tarner, I.H.; Lehmberg, T.; Weiß, E.; Lemor, R.; Dinser, R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Entwicklung neuer Ultraschallverfahren - Eine Software für die Verarbeitung von Ultraschallsignalen Hewener, H.; Thiel, C.; Kubale, R.; Tretbar, S.H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2012 | Ultrasound-induced sonoporation with the aid of magnetic nanoparticles Anastasiadis, P.; Allen, J.S.; Matsunaga, T.; Bertram, J.; Weber, P.K.; Moisyadi, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Ultrasonic stimulation of single bovine aortic endothelial cells at 1GHz Lee, C.; Kim, T.-J.; Lee, J.; Hwang, J.Y.; Jakob, A.; Lemor, R.; Wang, Y.; Shung, K.K. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2012 | Highly scalable and flexible FPGA based platform for advanced ultrasound research Hewener, H.; Welsch, H.-J.; Fonfara, H.; Motzki, F.; Tretbar, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2011 | Concept and demonstrator for modular pressure tolerant autonomous underwater vehicle Degel, C.; Becker, F.J.; Heinz, M.; Schmieger, M.; Moses, M.; Molitor, M.; Hewener, H.; Schmitt, D.; Weber, P.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2011 | Introduction of a new model for time-continuous and non-contact investigations of in-vitro thrombolysis under physiological flow conditions Roessler, F.C.; Ohlrich, M.; Marxsen, J.H.; Schmieger, M.; Weber, P.-K.; Stellmacher, F.; Trillenberg, P.; Eggers, J.; Seidel, G. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2011 | Targeted cell immobilization by ultrasound microbeam Lee, J.; Lee, C.; Kim, H.H.; Jakob, A.; Lemor, R.; Teh, S.-Y.; Lee, A.; Shung, K.K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2011 | Two-dimensional cell trapping by ultrasound microbeam Lee, J.; Lee, C.; Kim, H.H.; Jakob, A.; Lemor, R.; Teh, S.-Y.; Lee, A.; Shung, K.K. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2011 | Click chemistry for the assembly of gold nanorods and silver nanoparticles Locatelli, E.; Ori, G.; Fournelle, M.; Lemor, R.; Montorsi, M.; Comes Franchini, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2010 | Opto-acoustic techniques for high contrast vasculature imaging with resolution from millimeters to micrometers Bost, W.; Fournelle, M.; Motzki, F.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2010 | High frequency 3D-sonar imaging for the inspection of underwater constructions Kraus, D.; Lemor, R.M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2010 | Gigahertz optoacoustic imaging for cellular imaging Rui, M.; Narashimhan, S.; Bost, W.; Stracke, F.; Weiss, E.; Lemor, R.; Kolios, M.C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2010 | Ein 3D-Ultraschallnavigationssystem für die computer-assistierte Chirurgie im Kopf-Halsbereich - Visionen und Konzepte Brennecke, T.; Burgner, J.; Kahrs, L.A.; Günther, C.; Beyl, T.; Raczkowsky, J.; Tretbar, S.; Klenzner, T.; Schipper, J.; Wörn, H. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2010 | Measurement of skull bone thickness for bone-anchored hearing aids Federspil, P.A.; Tretbar, S.H.; Böhlen, F.H.; Rohde, S.; Glaser, S.; Plinkert, P.K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2010 | Polymeric entrapped thiol-coated gold nanorods: Cytotoxicity and suitability as molecular optoacoustic contrast agent Franchini, M.C.; Ponti, J.; Lemor, R.M.; Fournelle, M.; Broggi, F.; Locatelli, E. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2010 | Multispectral optoacoustic techniques for differentiation of tissue and high-sensitivity imaging of contrast agents Fournelle, M.; Bost, W.; Motzki, F.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2010 | Antenna design and performance assessment for fast high resolution sonar imaging using high bandwidth transducers and frequency domain compounding Becker, F.J.; Degel, C.; Fonfara, H.; Welsch, H.J.; Hewener, H.; Tretbar, S.; Fournelle, M.; Lemor, R.M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2010 | Evaluation of nanoparticles as contrast agent for photoacoustic imaging in living cells Kohl, Y.; Thielecke, H.; Bost, W.; Lemor, R.; Stracke, F.; Kaiser, C.; Schroeter, M.; Kratz, K.; Henkel, A.; Sönnichsen, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2010 | Remote magnetic control of a wireless capsule endoscope in the esophagus is safe and feasible Keller, J.; Fibbe, C.; Volke, F.; Gerber, J.; Mosse, A.C.; Reimann-Zawadzki, M.; Rabinovitz, E.; Layer, P.; Swain, P. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2010 | Online assessment of biofilm development, sloughing and forced detachment in tube reactor by means of magnetic resonance microscopy Wagner, M.; Manz, B.; Volke, F.; Neu, T.R.; Horn, H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2010 | Combined application of 13C NMR spectroscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy - investigation on biofilm structure and physico-chemical properties Garny, K.; Neu, T.R.; Horn, H.; Volke, F.; Manz, B. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2010 | Remote magnetic manipulation of a wireless capsule endoscope in the esophagus and stomach of humans (with videos) Swain, P.; Toor, A.; Volke, F.; Keller, J.; Gerber, J.; Rabinovitz, E.; Rothstein, R.I. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2010 | A pressure-neutral acoustic transmit receive module (PR-TRM) with integrated data processing for deep sea applications Molitor, M.; Moses, M.; Schmieger, M.; Walter, O.; Weber, P.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2010 | Advanced imaging techniques for assessment of structure, composition and function in biofilm systems. Review Neu, T.R.; Manz, B.; Volke, F.; Dynes, J.J.; Hitchcock, A.P.; Lawrence, J.R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2009 | Accuracy of ultrasound measurements for skull bone thickness using coded signals Tretbar, S.H.; Plinkert, P.K.; Federspil, P.A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2009 | High frequency optoacoustic microscopy Bost, W.; Stracke, F.; Weiss, E.C.; Narasimhan, S.; Kolios, M.C.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2009 | Comparison of different piezoelectric materials for GHz acoustic microscopy transducers Jakob, A.; Bender, M.; Knoll, T.; Lemor, R.; Zhou, Q.; Zhu, B.P.; Han, J.X.; Shung, K.K.; Bender, M.; Lehnert, T.; Koch, M.; Veith, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2009 | High-contrast real-time optoacoustic imaging of subcutaneous blood vessels Fournelle, M.; Welsch, H.-J.; Fonfara, H.; Hewener, H.; Günther, C.; Bost, W.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2009 | Free-hand 3d optoacoustic imaging of vasculature Fournelle, M.; Hewener, H.; Günther, C.; Fonfara, H.; Welsch, H.-J.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2009 | Messeinrichtung und Verfahren zur Kernspin-Resonanz-Spektrometrie Lemor, R.; Volke, F. |
Patent |
2009 | Towards fast high resolution sonar imaging using high bandwidth transducers and frequency domain compounding Lemor, R.M.; Becker, F.J.; Degel, C.; Hölscher-Höbing, U.; Biegler, H. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2009 | Hochauflösende Bildgebung der gastrointestinalen Wandschichten von Schweine- und Humanpräparaten mittels endoluminaler MR-Spule: Korrelation zur Histologie Kramer, S.; Palmowski, M.; Macher-Göppinger, S.; Müller, M.; Volke, F.; Düx, M.; Kauczor, H.U.; Grenacher, L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2009 | Contrast enhanced optoacoustics for molecular imaging Fournelle, M.; Bost, W.; Wagner, S.; Stracke, F.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2009 | Method and Device for Acoustic Manipulation Lemor, R.; Guenther, C.; Fuhr, G.; Wiklund, M.; Hertz, H. |
Patent |
2009 | High resolution optoacoustic detection of nanoparticles on living cells Bost, W.; Kohl, Y.; Stracke, F.; Fournelle, M.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2009 | Automated microscopic quantification of adipogenic differentiation of human gland stem cells Gorjup, E.; Peter, L.; Wien, S.; Briesen, H. von; Schmitt, D. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2009 | High frequency photoacoustic microscopy for high resolution imaging Bost, W.; Stracke, F.; Kohl, Y.; Fournelle, M.; Lemor, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2009 | A highly customizable ultrasound research platform for clinical use with a software architecture for 2d-/3d-reconstruction and processing including closed-loop control Hewener, H.; Welsch, H.-J.; Günther, C.; Fonfara, H.; Tretbar, S.; Lemor, R.M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2009 | A novel approach for automated analysis of cell attachment and spreading based on backscattered electron imaging by scanning electron microscopy Katsen-Globa, A.; Peter, L.; Zöllner, S.; Dörge, T.; Daffertshofer, M.; Preckel, H.; Schmitt, D.; Zimmermann, H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2009 | Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Konservierung von Tiefsee-Organismen Fuhr, G.; Kruse, C.; Zimmermann, H.; Lemor, R. |
Patent |
2009 | Directed differentiation of pancreatic stem cells by soluble and immobilised signalling factors Brose, C.; Schmitt, D.; Briesen, H. von; Reimann, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2008 | Combined two frequency array for optoacoustics and acoustics Maass, K.; Degel, C.; Fournelle, M.; Fonfara, H.; Lemor, R.M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2008 | Ultraschallkopf mit Ultraschall-Doppler-Anordnung Kübler, B.; Passig, G.; Gruber, R.; Tretbar, Steffen; Degel, C. |
Patent |
2008 | Three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of fossils across taxa Mietchen, D.; Aberhan, M.; Manz, B.; Hampe, O.; Mohr, B.; Neumann, C.; Volke, F. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |