Fraunhofer IBMT at "Business Meets Research" Forum 2015 in Luxemburg
Fraunhofer IBMT presents Mobile Lab Technologies in Luxemburg on May 21, 2015
Fraunhofer IBMT presents one of its mobile lab units at the “Business meets Research” forum in Esch-Belval, Luxemburg. Embedded into a schedule of lectures and guided visits to research facilities in Luxemburg, the mobile lab as the “flagship” of the initiative “Labor der Zukunft” (laboratory of the future) is showcasing modern lab technologies. The lab is open for visits from 11:00 to 17:00.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) has been operating a mobile BSL-2 unit for the German environmental specimen bank ESB since 2013. This mobile laboratory will be presented during the “Business meets Research” forum to showcase a reference application for a mobile unit in the field of biobanking and epidemiology. Visitors can have hands-on experience in the operation of such a mobile laboratory and get some insight in the background of sample collection in the field of human biomonitoring. It is possible to visit the mobile laboratory - parked in front of the Massenoire building in Esch-Belval - at any time between 11:15 and 17:00 on 21 May 2015 or to register for the guided tours.
About “Labor der Zukunft e.V”
Mobile laboratories are a key competence of the “Labor der Zukunft” network where stakeholders from different backgrounds cooperate in the field of modern lab technology. The association was founded in Saarland with members from all over Germany. Only recently, T&E Gefahrgutlogistik joined the association as a first partner in Luxemburg.
About Fraunhofer IBMT
The Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) is located in Saarland, Germany, and acts as device and technology developer. The Institute has been strongly involved in the field of mobile laboratories since 2005. Starting with the design and development of units for its own use, this field of work matured over the last decade within several projects. Today, the IBMT is mainly working in the area of consulting and conceptual design of mobile analytical and medical solutions for third parties. Together with partners from the “Labor der Zukunft” (laboratory of the future) network, Fraunhofer IBMT offers tailor-made solutions including the selection of suitable instruments and manufacturers. A specific focus of mobile laboratories lies in the field of diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in rural areas worldwide.
The institute is also involved in individual research and development projects and tasks in a large number of areas, including biomedical/medical engineering, molecular and cellular biotechnology, biohybrid technology, cryo(bio)technology and nano(bio)technology, ultrasound technology, neuroprosthetics/implants, (mobile) laboratory technology, sensor and measurement technology, health telematics, environmental control systems, material testing, home systems, air quality control and security systems as well as laboratory automation including in-line/on-line process control. For over 10 years, Fraunhofer IBMT has been active in the field of stem cell research. The IBMT hosts extensive cell line stocks in industrial and clinically structured biobanks for low temperature storage of valuable samples (fluids, cells, tissue fragments).
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"Business Meets Research" Forum 2015
May 21, 2015, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg
11:15 - 17:00 in front of the Massenoire Building